Bloom (Liquid): A liquid fertilizer concentrate easy to apply. Perfect for indoor or outdoor use. Contains all the proper nutrients needed for healthy plants.
* Contains Nutrients essential for plants cell wall structure.
* Encourages nutrient availability and uptake, fluid movement, and root development.
* Has macro and micro-nutrients, trace elements, and minerals for healthy plant growth and bud formation.
* Used as a microbial soil amendment and plant probiotic.
* Contains amino, phosphoric, humic, and fulvic acids. Carbon sources, omega 3 & 6, and vitamin B-6.
* Stimulates microorganisms with endo & ecto mycorrhizal fungi, humates, kelp, castings, and yucca.
* Enhances sugar and starch formation. Contributing to better flavor and aroma.
* Enhances plant growth, flowering, and bud production. Increasing crop quality and yield.
Application: Mix 1-2 tbsp per gallon of water. Apply once a week.